TALLAHASSEE, FL – Advanced Driving Systems, Inc. (ADS) today announced they are partnering with the Florida Disabled Outdoors Association (FDOA) to sponsor the association’s annual SportsAbility event on April 9-11, 2015. The SportsAbility programs help people with disabilities enjoy recreation and active leisure events while celebrating their capabilities. Advanced Driving Systems offers a variety of…

Why Buy From a NMEDA QAP Certified Dealer

National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA), is a nonprofit organization that provides consumer guidance and ensures quality and professionalism in the manufacturing and installation of mobility equipment. Members include mobility equipment dealers, manufacturers, driver rehabilitation specialists and other professionals. NMEDA awards the sole nationally recognized accreditation in the mobility equipment industry, NMEDA’s Quality Assurance Program…

Advanced Driving Systems Helping People with Disabilities Get Active

Tallahassee, FL October 25, 2014 – To help people with disabilities become more active and healthier, Advanced Driving Systems, Inc. (ADS) has partnered with the Florida Disabled Outdoors Association (FDOA). The support of ADS will ensure that the Miracle Sports and SportsAbility programs help people with disabilities concentrate on their ABILITIES in recreation and active…

Advanced Driving Systems Partners with Tallahassee Alzheimer’s Group

For Immediate Release CONTACT: Scott Poore Advanced Driving Systems (850) 671-2300 October 22, 2014 Tallahassee, Fl.—Advance Driving Systems is proud to announce its participation in this year’s “Forget Me Not” Walk and Festival on Sunday, November 2nd at the Tom Brown Park Pavilion. The event runs from 1:30 p.m. until 4 p.m. The fundraiser, sponsored…

Funding Your Mobility

One of the first thoughts anyone has when considering purchasing a vehicle is, can I afford this?  For a person with a disability, the question can be even more daunting, can I afford a vehicle AND the modifications I need to be able to drive it? There are many funding resources available for people who…